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Block predicate arguments

The BlockPredicateArgument is used to represent a "test" for Minecraft blocks. This can consist of tags, such as the ones listed here on the MinecraftWiki, or individual blocks. If a block matches the tag or block, then the predicate is satisfied.

For example, if we were to use the predicate #leaves, then the following blocks will be satisfied by that predicate: jungle_leaves, oak_leaves, spruce_leaves, dark_oak_leaves, acacia_leaves, birch_leaves.

When used, this argument must be casted to a Predicate<Block>. As with other similar arguments with parameterized types, you can ignore Java's unchecked cast type safety warning.

Example – Replacing specific blocks in a radius

Example – Replacing specific blocks in a radius

Say you want to replace blocks in a given radius. To do this, we'll use the following command structure:

/replace <radius> <fromBlock> <toBlock>

Of course, we could simply use a BlockStateArgument or even an ItemStackArgument as our <fromBlock> in order to get the material to replace, but the block predicate argument provides a test for a given block, which if satisfied, allows certain code to be executed.

First, we declare our arguments. We want to use the BlockPredicateArgument since it also allows us to use Minecraft tags to identify blocks, as well as individual blocks. We then use BlockStateArgument to set the block to a given type. The BlockStateArgument also allows the user to provide any block data (e.g. contents of a chest or a stair's orientation).

Argument<?>[] arguments = new Argument<?>[] {
    new IntegerArgument("radius"),
    new BlockPredicateArgument("fromBlock"),
    new BlockStateArgument("toBlock"),

We then register our /replace command. First, we parse the arguments making sure to cast to Predicate<Block> and BlockData (and not BlockState). After that, we use a few simple for loops to find the blocks within a radius sphere from the player.

In our most nested loop, we can then check if the block meets the requirements of our predicate. This is simply performed using predicate.test(block), and if satisfied, we can set the block's type.

Lastly, we register our command as normal using the register() method.

new CommandAPICommand("replace")
    .executesPlayer((player, args) -> {
        // Parse the arguments
        int radius = (int) args.get("radius");
        Predicate<Block> predicate = (Predicate<Block>) args.get("fromBlock");
        BlockData blockData = (BlockData) args.get("toBlock");

        // Find a (solid) sphere of blocks around the player with a given radius
        Location center = player.getLocation();
        for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) {
            for (int y = -radius; y <= radius; y++) {
                for (int z = -radius; z <= radius; z++) {
                    if (Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z))) <= radius) {
                        Block block = center.getWorld().getBlockAt(x + center.getBlockX(), y + center.getBlockY(), z + center.getBlockZ());

                        // If that block matches a block from the predicate, set it
                        if (predicate.test(block)) {