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Native command senders

In a similar way that the ProxiedCommandSender is used to store information about two command senders: a caller (the one that wrote the command) and a callee (the one that ends up executing the command), the CommandAPI also has a special NativeProxyCommandSender class which is a more powerful representation of the ProxiedCommandSender class. In addition to inheriting all of the methods from ProxiedCommandSender, this class also has the following two methods:

public World getWorld();
public Location getLocation();

These methods contain additional information about the command executor's state, and are primarily designed to be used with Minecraft's /execute command.

Minecraft's /execute arguments

The following table represents how the different /execute arguments affect the NativeProxyCommandSender class:

/execute argumentHow it changes NativeProxyCommandSender
/execute alignChanges getLocation() only
/execute anchoredChanges nothing
/execute asChanges getCallee() only
/execute atChanges getLocation() and getWorld() only
/execute facingChanges getLocation() only
/execute inChanges getWorld() only
/execute positionedChanges getLocation() only
/execute rotatedChanges getLocation()only

Using the native CommandSender

As described in the section about normal command executors, there are multiple methods to register a command executor. For the NativeProxyCommandSender, the .executesNative() method should be used.

Developer's Note:

The .executesNative() method has the highest priority over all over .executesXXX() methods - if you use the .executesNative() method, no other execution method will be run.

Example – A really simple "break block" command

Example – A really simple "break block" command

Say we wanted to make a command that simply sets the current block to air. For this example, we'll use the following command syntax:


As you can see, this command takes no arguments. This is fine, since our "argument" will be the sender's location. We can access the sender's location using the getLocation() method from the NativeProxyCommandSender object, available from the .executesNative() method:

new CommandAPICommand("break")
    .executesNative((sender, args) -> {
        Location location = sender.getLocation();
        if (location != null) {

This can now be used via the following command examples:

/execute positioned 100 62 50 run break
/execute at @e[type=pig] run break
/execute in minecraft:overworld positioned 20 60 -20 run break